Barbara has a private practice in Arizona. She
provides private sessions, workshops, facilitates
support groups and teaches at the Southwest
Institute of Healing Arts. All while being a full-time
caregiver for her husband, she has researched and
lived the ambiguous loss experienced by over 50
million caregivers. Barbara has learned that
sharing her story has given her great joy in her long
journey. She has experienced what a long goodbye
is all about.
That moment…that moment, when one experiences the loss of a loved one
or the day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, year-by year journey of
caring for a terminally ill person with a long-term disease. Both are types of
grief that cause pain and suffering for the survivors. However, the long
goodbye is the is a process that isn’t as well understood. In this one-hour
session, we will explore seven coping strategies to help our clients ease
the pain of ambiguous loss.
Sticks and stones may break my bones…but words will never hurt me. An
old cliche that suggests words are harmless. However, the words we say to
ourselves cause incredible damage to our bodies and spirit. In this seminar,
participants will engage in using words to acknowledge the pain of hurtful
words and how to release the pressure of pent-up words. Participants will
learn journaling techniques to help their clients share and explore their
stories to come to terms with their anxiety.